Dermnet Nz Female Pattern Hair Loss : Elderly people are prone to orthostatic hypotension - temporary low blood pressure and dizziness when they rise suddenly from a reclining or sitting positionecause the ageing sympathetic nervous system does not respond as rapidly as it once did to postural changes, blood pools briefly in the lower limbs, reducing blood pressure and consequently blood delifairly to the brainainting may occur accompanied by paleness, a weak pulse, and dilated pupilsroducing postural changes slowly to give the nervous system time to adjust typically prevents this problemeople taking hypotensive medication may possibly also experience problemshronic hypotension may possibly hint at poor nutrition, considering that the poorly nourished are constantly anaemic and have inadequate levels of blood proteinsecause blood viscosity is low, blood pressure is also lower than standardhe blood vessel walls of a person with hypotension are usually really relaxed and perhaps flabby or stretchedew ... [Read More ! Dermnet Nz Female Pattern Hair Loss]
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