How To Lose Weight Programs : Leaky Liners Seven Liabilities In Pond Liner Construction > LEARN HOW TO AVOID EXPENSIVE LAWSUITS START TURNING NEGATIVES INTO POSITIVES don't BAIL-OUT, SIMPLY PATCH THE HOLESA Case In PointMrnd MrscDowell of San Diego, CA contracted with a local pond liner construction enterprise and paid them $255000 to construct a pond and waterfall in the front yard of their $14,000,0000 homen less than 6 months from the completion date of the project, the pond started losing well over 150 gallons of water per dayhe contractor was informed of the situation and responded immediately by arriving at their residence to inspect the water featurehe contractor walked up the hill, inspecting the waterfall fairly caretotally and then back down the opposite side and without hesitation, exclaimed that they had an infestation of rats and gophers living under the waterfall portion and had chewed holes in the linerhe owners instantaneous response was,..nd?, to which he retorted, "..idn't you read the small print in your contract?..hat ... [Read More @ How To Lose Weight Programs]
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